Select Menu




Select by  |  Group...
Select by  |  Material...
Select by  |  Region...
Select by  |  Texture...

Assign to  |  Group...
Assign to  |  Material...
Assign to  |  Region...

Facets  |  Concave
Facets  |  Degenerate
Facets  |  Collinear
Facets  |  N-sided
Facets  |  Unmapped
Facets  |  Specify...

Move  |  Up
Move  |  Right
Move  |  Down
Move  |  Left
Move  |  Upper Left
Move  |  Upper Right
Move  |  Lower Right
Move  |  Lower Left
Move  |  Center

Scale  |  Maximize
Scale  |  Increase
Scale  |  Decrease
Scale  |  Quadruple
Scale  |  Quarter

Rotate  |  180°
Rotate  |  90° CW
Rotate  |  90° CCW
Rotate  |  Arbitrary...
Rotate  |  Flip Horizontal
Rotate  |  Flip Vertical

Adjust  |  Add Stitches
Adjust  |  Add UV Set
Adjust  |  Add Geometry

Adjust  |  Shrink
Adjust  |  Grow

Display  |  Hide
Display  |  Show
Display  |  Toggle
Display  |  Hide Unselected

Assign UVs

Mode  |  Rotate Tool
Mode  |  Hand Tool
Mode  |  Zoom Tool
Mode  |  Rectangular Marquee
Mode  |  Polygonal Lasso
Mode  |  Magic Wand

Select Method  |  by Facet
Select Method  |  by Vertex
Select Method  |  by Edge
Select Method  |  by Seam



Selects every visible facet, vertex or edge depending upon the selection mode.

Note:  hidden facets will not be selected.


Clears the current selection.  Grayed out if there is currently no selection.


Deselects everything that is currently selected, and selects everything that is not currently selected.  Grayed out if there is currently no selection.


Reselects the last selection.  Grayed out if there is already a selection active.


Removes the currently selected facets from the model.  This option is only available when the selection mode is "Select by facet", and there is a selection currently active.

Select by  |  Group...

Displays a popup dialog box listing each of the model's groups.  Click on the group you'd like to select and press OK.  The highlighted group will become the current selection, and all other groups will be deselected.

Note: it is possible to select more than one item by holding down the control key while clicking on additional names.  Conversely, clicking on a selected item with the control key pressed will deselect that item.  It's also possible to select a range of items by clicking on the first, holding the shift key down, and clicking on the second.

Select by  |  Material...

Displays a popup dialog box listing each of the model's materials.  Click on the material you'd like to select and press OK.  The highlighted material will become the current selection, and all other materials will be deselected.

Note: it is possible to select more than one item by holding down the control key while clicking on additional names.  Conversely, clicking on a selected item with the control key pressed will deselect that item.  It's also possible to select a range of items by clicking on the first, holding the shift key down, and clicking on the second.

Select by  |  Region...

Displays a popup dialog box listing each of the model's regions.  Click on the region you'd like to select and press OK.  The highlighted region will become the current selection, and all other region will be deselected.

Note: it is possible to select more than one item by holding down the control key while clicking on additional names.  Conversely, clicking on a selected item with the control key pressed will deselect that item.  It's also possible to select a range of items by clicking on the first, holding the shift key down, and clicking on the second.

Select by  |  Texture...

This feature allows you to instantly select every part of the model that is assigned to a given texture map.  There are eight types of maps that you can choose from;  Diffuse, Bump, Transparency, Ambient, Specular, Reflectance, Phong and Decal.  If one or more of the menu items is grayed out, it means that there have been no maps of that type assigned to the model.  Selecting the desired type of map displays a popup dialog box listing each of the model's texture maps of that type.  Click on the texture map you'd like to select and press OK.  The highlighted texture map will become the current selection, and all other texture maps will be deselected.

Note: it is possible to select more than one item by holding down the control key while clicking on additional names.  Conversely, clicking on a selected item with the control key pressed will deselect that item.  It's also possible to select a range of items by clicking on the first, holding the shift key down, and clicking on the second.

Assign to  |  Group...

This feature allows you to assign the currently selected facets to a given group.  You may select from the list of groups in the popup dialog box, or replace the default choice with a new group name that will be created using the currently selected facets.

Assign to  |  Material...

This feature allows you to assign the currently selected facets to a given material.  You may select from the list of materials in the popup dialog box, or replace the default choice with a new material name that will be created using the currently selected facets.

Assign to  |  Region...

This feature allows you to assign the currently selected facets to a given region.  You may select from the list of regions in the popup dialog box, or replace the default choice with a new region name that will be created using the currently selected facets.

Facets  |  Concave

Select all facets in the model that are concave.  It is sometimes useful to see where the concave facets are, and be able to inspect them before operating on them using the facet tools.  Concave facets can be problematic for many rendering programs for two reasons, they may not triangulate properly, and it can be difficult to determine the direction they are facing.  It is impossible for a three sided polygon to be concave, so all concave facets must have four or more vertices.  A simple way of thinking about concave facets is called the "rubber band test".  Imagine if you were to stretch a rubber band around a facet; if all of the vertices would be touching the rubber band, the facet is convex.  If one or more of the vertices would not be touching the rubber band, the facet is concave.

Concave Facet

Facets  |  Degenerate

Select all degenerate facets.  Degenerate facets can cause problems for rendering programs because it can be impossible to determine which way they are facing.  This can cause black spots or creases when rendering a surface containing them.  A degenerate facet is one in which two or more adjacent vertices are identical.  A simple example of a degenerate facet is a triangle where the first two vertices are the same.

Facets  |  Collinear

Select all collinear facets.  Collinear facets can cause problems for rendering programs because it can be impossible to determine which way they are facing.  This can cause improper smoothing and creases when rendering a surface containing them.  A collinear facet is one in which the first three vertices lie along the same line.

Facets  |  N-sided

This feature allows for the selection of n-sided facets.  Options include More than a given number of sides, Exactly a given number of sides, and Less than a given number of sides.  For example: to select all facets with 5 or more sides/vertices you would select More than, enter 4 for the number of sides and click OK.

Note: a facet's vertex count determines it's number of sides; number of vertices equals number of sides.

Select N-Sided Facets

Facets  |  Unmapped

This option will select any facets that do not have UV (texture) coordinates assigned to them.  This can be useful if you have a model that has been only partially mapped.  By selecting only the unmapped facets, you can project them without having to alter the position of the facets that have already been mapped.

Facets  |  Specify...

This feature lets you specify the facets you would like to select by their orientation and/or position.  A great use for this might be to map the interior of a can differently than the outside.  You can do this by choosing Inward (towards center) and pressing the Set button.  This will select only the facets facing primarily towards the center of the model - the inside of the can!  You can then select the outside of the can by choosing Outward (away from center) to map the exterior of the can.

Note: when the Interactive mapping mode is active, the orientation and position of that axis will be used instead of the model's.  This can be useful if you'd like to be able slice up your model using the interactive mapping cage.

Specify Selection

Move  |  Up

Shifts the current selection one pixel higher on the screen.  This feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Move  |  Right

Shifts the current selection one pixel to the right on the screen.  This feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Move  |  Down

Shifts the current selection one pixel lower on the screen.  This feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Move  |  Left

Shifts the current selection one pixel to the left on the screen.  This feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Move  |  Upper Left

Repositions the current selection so that it's upper left corner is placed in the upper left corner of the workspace.

Move  |  Upper Right

Repositions the current selection so that it's upper right corner is placed in the upper right corner of the workspace.

Move  |  Lower Right

Repositions the current selection so that it's lower right corner is placed in the lower right corner of the workspace.

Move  |  Lower Left

Repositions the current selection so that it's lower left corner is placed in the lower left corner of the workspace.

Move  |  Center

Repositions the current selection so that it's centered in the workspace.

Scale  |  Maximize

Scale the selected UV coordinates so that they span the entire texture map.  After doing this, both texture coordinates will range from 0.0 to 1.0.  This is what UVMapper Pro does when you load a model with out of range texture coordinates and ask that they be corrected.

Scale  |  Increase

Increases the size of the current selection on the texture map.  This effect would be similar to clicking on the selection handles in the 2D view and dragging them so that they are slightly larger in all directions.

Note: this feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Scale  |  Decrease

Decreases the size of the current selection on the texture map.  This effect would be similar to clicking on the selection handles in the 2D view and dragging them so that they are slightly smaller in all directions.

Note: this feature is dependent on the zoom setting in the current viewport.  To make smaller changes, increase the zoom factor.

Scale  |  Quadruple

Doubles the size of the current selection in both the U and V directions (both vertically and horizontally.)

Scale  |  Quarter

Halves the size of the current selection in both the U and V directions (both vertically and horizontally.).

Rotate  |  180°

Rotates the current selection 180 degrees.

Rotate  |  90° CW

Rotates the current selection 90 degrees clockwise.

Rotate  |  90° CCW

Rotates the current selection 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

Rotate  |  Arbitrary...

Allows you to specify exactly how many degrees, and in what direction you would like to rotate the current selection.

Rotate Selection

Rotate  |  Flip Horizontal

Flip the current selection horizontally.

Rotate  |  Flip Vertical

Flip the current selection vertically.

Adjust  |  Add Stitches

When a selection is made using either the Select by Vertex or Select by Edge mode, all UV coordinates that share geometry with the current selection are displayed in green.  You can use this feature to quickly and easily add the vertices displayed in green to the current selection.  This can greatly simplify the process of stitching together pieces of your model in the 2D preview.

Adjust  |  Add UV Set

This feature allows you to add all facets or vertices (depending upon your selection mode) that are connected to the current selection on the UV map.  This can greatly simplify the selection of pieces of your texture mapped model.

Adjust  |  Add Geometry

This feature allows you to add all facets or vertices (depending upon your selection mode) that are connected to the current selection in the 3D preview windows; i.e. connected by geometry.

Adjust  |  Shrink

Remove the outter most facets or vertices (depending upon you selection method) of the current selection on the UV map.

Adjust  |  Grow

Add all adjacent facets or vertices (depending upon you selection method) to the current selection on the UV map.

Display  |  Hide

Hide the currently selected facets.

Note: this option only works in Select by Facet mode (see below.)

Display  |  Show

Display the currently selected facets.

Note: this option only works in Select by Facet mode (see below.)

Display  |  Toggle

Toggle the visibility of the current selection.  If it is currently hidden, show it.  If it is currently visible, hide it.  When no selection is active, show all hidden facets and hide all those that are visible.

Note: this option only works in Select by Facet mode (see below.)

Display  |  Hide Unselected

Hide all facets that are currently no selected.

Note: this option only works in Select by Facet mode (see below.)

Assign UVs

This feature allows you to manually set the dimensions of the current selection.  This will be reflected in the position and size of the rectangular selection marquee upon clicking OK.

Assign UVs

Mode  |  Rotate Tool

This tool allows you to rotate the model in the 3D preview windows.  It has no effect in the 2D preview.  To rotate the model in the 3D preview window, select the Rotate Tool, left click in the 3D preview window and drag the mouse around.

When the Rotate Tool is active, you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar or the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.

Mode  |  Hand Tool

This tool allows you to grab and move the model in the 3D preview window, as well as the texture map in the 2D preview.  To rotate the model in the 3D preview window, select the Hand Tool, left click in any preview window and drag the mouse around.

When the Hand Tool is active, you can access the Rotate Tool by pressing the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Zoom Popup Menu.

Mode  |  Zoom Tool

This tool allows you to zoom in and zoom out in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To change the zoom in any window, select the Zoom Tool, left click in any window and drag the mouse vertically.

When the Zoom Tool is active, you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar or the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Zoom Popup Menu.

Mode  |  Rectangular Marquee

This tool allows you to make rectangular selections in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To make a selection in any window, choose the Rectangular Marquee tool, left click in any window and drag the mouse across the items that you would like to select.

To add to the current selection, press and hold the Shift key while dragging the marquee.  To remove from the current seleciton, press and hold the Alt key while dragging the marquee.  When the Rectangular Marquee tool is active you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.

Mode  |  Polygonal Lasso

This tool allows you to make polygonal selections in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To make a selection in any window, choose the Polygonal Lasso tool, left click in any window to start the polygon, continue clicking to outline the shape of the selection area and double click to close the polygon when done.

To add to the current selection, press and hold the Shift key while making the selection.  To remove from the current seleciton, press and hold the Alt key while making the selection.  When the Polygonal Lasso tool is active, you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.

Mode  |  Magic Wand

This tool allows you to make selections in the 2D or 3D viewports based on the selection method that's currently selected (i.e. facet, vertex, edge or seam.)  With the Magic Wand tool selected, hover the mouse over the part of the model you'd like to select and the corresponding facet, vertex, edge or seam will be automatically highlighted.

To add to the current selection, start by clicking on an unselected item and then continue to move the mouse to select additional items.  Likewise, to remove from the current selection, start by clicking on an item that's already been selected and then continue to move the mouse to deselect additional items.  You can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.

Select Method  |  by Facet

When making a selection, only entire facets will be selected.

Select Method  |  by Vertex

When making a selection, only vertices will be selected.

Select Method  |  by Edge

When making a selection, only vertices that lie along an edge on the UV map will be selected.

Select Method  |  by Seam

When making a selection, only seams will be selected.