User Interface



3D Preview Window
2D Preview Window

Status Bar



All tools work in both 2D and 3D preview windows, with the exception of the Rotate Tool in the 2D preview , which would be undesirable.

The Rotate Tool allows you to rotate the model in the 3D preview windows.  It has no effect in the 2D preview.  To rotate the model in the 3D preview window, select the Rotate Tool, left click in the 3D preview window and drag the mouse around.  When the Rotate Tool is active, you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the Spacebar or the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.

The Hand Tool allows you to grab and move the model in the 3D preview window, as well as the texture map in the 2D preview.  To rotate the model in the 3D preview window, select the Hand Tool, left click in any preview window and drag the mouse around.  When the Hand Tool is active, you can access the Rotate Tool by pressing the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Zoom Popup Menu.

The Zoom Tool allows you to zoom in and zoom out in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To change the zoom in any window, select the Zoom Tool, left click in any window and drag the mouse vertically.  When the Zoom Tool is active, you can access the Hand Tool by pressing the center button (or mouse wheel) on a three button mouse.  Right clicking brings up the Zoom Popup Menu.

The Rectangular Marquee tool allows you to make rectangular selections in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To make a selection in any window, choose the Rectangular Marquee tool, left click in any window and drag the mouse across the items that you would like to select.  To add to the current selection, press and hold the Shift key while dragging the marquee.  To remove from the current seleciton, press and hold the Alt key while dragging the marquee.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.  Additionally, which facets get selected in the 3D preview windows depends upon the setting of the Include Backfaces option (see below.)

The Polygonal Lasso tool allows you to make polygonal selections in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To make a selection in any window, choose the Polygonal Lasso tool, left click in any window to start the polygon, continue clicking to outline the shape of the selection area and double click to close the polygon when done.  To add to the current selection, press and hold the Shift key while making the selection.  To remove from the current seleciton, press and hold the Alt key while making the selection.  Right clicking brings up the Select Popup Menu.  Additionally, which facets get selected in the 3D preview windows depends upon the setting of the Include Backfaces option (see below.)

The Magic Wand tool allows you to select edges, verticies, polygons and seams in both the 2D and 3D preview windows.  To make a selection, choose the Magic Wand tool, select your preferred selection method, i.e. facet, vertex, edge or seam, and left click on the item you'd like to select.  Hold the left mouse button down to select multiple items.  Note: when selecting seams, you may left click and release on the first seam and then hold down the shift key to connect all seams between your initial selection and the current selection.  Left click again to select the entire path.


The following table describes how each of the tools operates with different buttons and modifier keys:

Active Tool:

with Left Mouse Button gives:

with Ctrl + Left Mouse Button gives:

with Shift + Left Mouse Button gives:



with Alt + Left Mouse Button gives:




with Spacebar + Left Mouse Button gives:

with Center Mouse Button gives:




with Mouse Scroll Wheel gives:

with Right Mouse Button gives:







Selection Modes

There are three ways to make a selection; Select by Facet, Select by Vertex, Select by Edge and Select by SeamSelect by Facet allows you to select entire facets at a time.  This can be useful for dividing up the texture template because this mode allows you to 'chip off' facets and place them anywhere on the map.  The other modes cause the facets to remain connected when moving them.  Select by Vertex is very useful for manipulating individual and groups of vertices.  Select by Edge is a modification of the Select by Vertex mode that only allows selection of vertices along an edge of the texture map.  This mode is useful for pinning down vertices before performing the Relax UVs, Spread UVs and LSCM Mapping features.  Select by Seam allows you to select seams that you would like to use to divide up your model for mapping.

3D Preview Window

3D Preview

Clicking in any window will make that window the current active window, which is denoted by the color border.  This window will then have the 'focus' which simply means that all keyboard and mouse input will be directed to it.  Each window is fully configurable, with all of the options available in the View MenuNote:  When making a selection with the Rectangular Marquee tool or the Polygonal Lasso tool, holding down the Shift key will add to the current selection, and holding down the Alt key will remove from it.  The same is true for the Select Popup Menu .

See also:  View Menu,   Select Popup Menu,   Zoom Popup Menu.

2D Preview Window

2D Preview

Clicking in any window will make that window the current active window, which is denoted by the color border.  This window will then have the 'focus' which simply means that all keyboard and mouse input will be directed to it.  Each window is fully configurable, with all of the options available in the View MenuNote:  When making a selection with the Rectangular Marquee tool or the Polygonal Lasso tool, holding down the Shift key will add to the current selection, and holding down the Alt key will remove from it.  The same is true for the Select Popup Menu .

Once a selection has been made, there will be a rectangular marquee displayed in the 2D Preview window (see above.)  The selection can then be moved by left clicking inside the rectangular marquee and dragging it to a new position.  The selection can also be scaled by clicking in one of the eight handles along the marquee.  The corner handles will adjust the scale in both the U and V directions, while clicking on one of the midpoint handles will only scale the selection in one direction.  The side handles will scale in the U direction, while the top/bottom handles scale in the V direction.  The selection can also be rotated by selecting Select | Rotate from the main menu.

The aspect ration of the 2D viewport can be adjusted in the Preferences dialog, under the Preview tab.

See also:  Preferences,  Select Menu,   View MenuSelect Popup MenuZoom Popup Menu .



Like Hotkeys, the Toolbar can be used as a shortcut to perform operations typically called from menu options.  Toolbar buttons will be grayed out, or disabled, when they are unavailable for use.  See the corresponding menu item for a description of why these shortcuts may be unavailable.

  Import an OBJ model (Ctrl+O)
  Export an OBJ model (Ctrl+S)

  Rotate Tool (R)
  Hand Tool (H)
  Zoom Tool (Z)
  Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)
  Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)
  Magic Wand Tool (W)

  Select by facet
  Select by vertex
  Select by edge
  Select by seam

  Remap using planar mapping mode
  Remap using box mapping mode
  Remap using cylindrical mapping mode
  Remap using spherical mapping mode
  Remap using polar mapping mode
  Remap using LSCM mapping mode

  Toggle interactive mapping mode (F2)

Note:  The Toolbar can be toggled on and off by selecting View | ToolbarSee also:  View Menu.

Status Bar

The Status Bar along the bottom of the UVMapper Professional window is used to display tool tips, progress of operations, etc.  For example; to findout what a specific button on the Toolbar does, place the cursor over the Toolbar button without clicking.  After afew seconds a description of the button will be displayed in the Status Bar.  Also, long operations will typically display a progress bar in the Status Bar so that you can see how long the operation will take.

Note:  The Status Bar can be toggled on and off by selecting View | Status BarSee also:  View Menu.



Any one of the sixteen possible layouts can be selected by pressing the corresponding button on the Layout window.

Note:  The Layout window can be toggled on and off by selecting View | LayoutSee also:  View Menu.